A Jukebox of Songs from Sri Lanka

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SinhalaJukebox - A Jukebox of Songs from Sri Lanka
At Sinhala Jukebox you can listen to samples of thousands of Sri Lankan Music Tracks encoded in RealAudio format. This is a free service provided to promote Sri Lankan Artists and their Music through the cyberspace.

Our site is being reorganized, please pardon if you encounter any dead links. We will correct and add these features as soon as possible. Now, you can listen to all songs we have and explore lyrics and poetry in this site.

How to Explore Sinhala Jukebox

 Choose an ARTIST by Full Name or by Last Name and visit the corresponding artist page to listen to all songs by that artist. You can choose from the following:

   Artists Listed by Full Name - For example, W D Amaradeva will be listed under "W".

   Artists Listed by Last Name - For example, W D Amaradeva is listed as Amaradeva, W D under "A".

 You can also visit our large collection of sinhala lyrics via these PAGES.

 We also have a large collection of sinhala poetry. Check those out too.

 We feature some artists with biodata and some albums by those artists. We like to feature new artists and/or new albums in these pages. Please visit Featured Artists Pages.

Thank you for visiting and your support!

Our Mission !
 To create an On-Line Repository of samples of Sri Lankan Music.

 To make this site a One-Stop Library to locate a piece of Sri Lankan Music be it track from an old LP, a track from a cassette tape or a track from a newest CD.

 To provide a world wide exposure to Sri Lankan Artists and promote their music. And to provide a helping hand to publicise work of Amateur Musicians/Artists

 To preserve/revive the Sri Lankan Music Scene of by gone era. It is a fact that some of the tracks available at our site are hardly heard on any radio station or not available for purchase from music shops nowadays. Some of these artists and music may never be known to younger generations.

And what we ask from you ...

Do not stop after listening to songs available here. Give the artists a little encouragement ... Buy their Music!


As the name "Sinhala Jukebox" suggests, we provide a real "Jukebox" style interface for you to select and play the music the way you want.

You need to download and install ®RealOne Player to be able to use our service. more...

All the song tracks at this site have been encoded in 20kbps Real Audio Format.

The lower bit rate has been purposely selected to prevent any illegal copying of the music and to allow faster downloading. Please read our Terms & Conditions for more information on why we chose this format.

RealPlayer Plus

Where to start ...
You need to download and install RealOne Player to be able to use our service. more...

Once you have RealOne Player installed, click on one of the Category Boxes above or click on either "Artists" or other available buttons on the top navigation bar and follow the instructions.

You may find other useful information on how to use the site in the FAQ page.

Since the inception in the year 2000, our collection has grown to 23522 tracks over the years. We wish to acknowledge the following people for their contributions to the site.


Nalin Jayawardena: Duru Ratawala Api

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Sinhala Fonts
Right click HERE to download and install 'Kandy New' Sinhala Font to see the Sinhala Lettering in our pages [for Windows PCs only].

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This is a service provided for Sri Lankan Music Fans for on-line listening only. Unauthorized uses of any kind, including
but not limited to downloading, copying or distributing of the song tracks in this site are strictly prohibited.

Terms & Conditions of Use. Privacy Statement.
©2000-2024, Sinhala Jukebox - A Jukebox of Songs from Sri Lanka.
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